This week was a good week! I'm very converted to the belief that happiness is a choice, Elder Chrimes and I were able to see that this week! Even though we weren't able to do as much "sit down" teaching with people in their homes as we would have liked we were still able to spend a lot of time out working hard to meet new friends and teach them the truths they need to hear and have fun doing it! There is always a peace that comes from working hard and doing the hard thing and we felt it this week, and we were also able to find new friends so the only way to describe it is that it was a good week!
Time to email is limited today so this won't be an incredibly long letter but a I will do my best!
On Wednesday we welcomed Elder McCombs and Elder Foster into Selsdon Ward and they are already doing a lot of good work! It's nice to have another companionship in the ward again, even though it was only 3 months it feels like it has been ages since we had more missionaries. We played some football (English football) and ping pong with them and another companionship today for P-day and I will include a picture of that as well!
Last week I mentioned that Elder Chrimes and I were excited to be very bold and fearless this week, and that's exactly what we did. We saw a lot of blessings come from heeding the advice of our mission president. I know that he is an inspired leader. I love President Gubler! It makes me sad to think I have less than a year to serve with him, but I'm happy that I still have quite awhile yet to serve with him.
I have to agree with you mom and dad that the second year seems to be going by a lot quicker. In a lot of ways it doesn't feel like this last transfer even happened It's an odd feeling realising that I have
served for more days than I have left to serve on my mission. So weird.
Elder Chrimes is doing so well! Going into this second transfer, he is training me! I'm really glad that we get so serve together for another transfer. Other than my trainer and Elder Probst he's the only other companion I have served with for 2 transfers. I can't wait, it's going to be a lot of fun! This transfer will be really busy as well so I know it will fly by, which I don't want to happen because I love Selsdon Ward. But there are always fun new things to come with a new area, so we will see where the Lord needs me to be next.
I love you all greatly! God is good. Trust in Him in all things and you will always have the peace and happiness that you need. It's simple and I am definitely not the first to say it, but it's true. I know it to be true, not of myself or of my own learning, but by the Holy Ghost revealing those things to me. A testimony is within us and is sustained largely by us, but it comes from conviction that can only be revealed to us by the Holy Ghost, and I am so grateful that I can act as one to guide others to their own experiences with the Holy Ghost as well. I love Heavenly Father, I love His Only Begotten Son, I love my mission, and I love you too.
Elder Draney
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