Monday, December 14, 2015

Another blessed week

Hello my friends and family!

This week was full of miracles and amazing things. We have been able to see great change and so much happiness in everyone that we taught. It has been a blessed week.

The first miracle came on Monday evening when we were teaching our friend Stephen. I've mentioned Stephen before and we have been teaching him the whole time I've been here. Stephen's wife is a member and he has been coming to church with her and being taught by missionaries for about a year and a half. After our teach with him on Monday we said a closing prayer and right as we were packing up our stuff to leave he said "I thought you should be some of the first to know, but I've seen a lot of blessings in my life this past week and I've decided I'm going to get baptised," Elder Chrimes and I were so stoked! I can't think of many times in my life when I have been speechless but this was definitely on of them!

On Tuesday we taught our really good friend Allen and that lesson was one of the most spiritual I've had on my mission. Allen talked about a lot of the spiritual struggles he has been facing and  his desire to improve because he feels trapped where he is. As we talked the Holy Ghost gave me all the words I was to say and the Spirit was as tangible as anything I have ever felt. I've been teaching Allen off and on the whole time I've been here as well and it was amazing to have that breakthrough. He came with us to church on Sunday and immediately when it was over he said "Let's do this again next week!".

Thursday we taught Nadir who is going to be baptised this Sunday! We answered a lot of his questions and some of the things we've taught before really clicked this time. Nadir has such great faith in Christ. There is always so much to learn but I have learned a lot from Nadir. Nadir works 3 jobs to pay for his family in Pakistan while he raises money to bring them over to England. Despite being working until he is bone tired he still makes time to meet with us and come to church whenever he can and is one of the happiest people I have ever met. He is one of our Father's choice children. Often we have to meet at cafes and no matter how many times we tell him it's our turn to pay he always buys us a hot chocolate and always says we can pay "Next time,".

On Friday something happened to us that all missionaries dream of. During a longer planning session we do on Friday mornings we got a call from a random number. The person on the phone was a lady named Emilia. The basic version of the phone conversation is that she called us to tell us she knows that the Church is true and has a Book of Mormon that her daughter requested but that she wants us to bring her another one that she can have so we. An come and teach both her and her daughter more about the Church! Again I was pretty much speechless. We are going to be calling her again today to figure out when we can see her this week!

This coming week is geared up to be a killer week as well! Tomorrow we are going to the London Temple for Christmas and a special meeting with President Gubler! It was recently that I was able to attend the temple right before Elder Chrimes came but it will still be amazing to be able to take the special spirit of the temple and use it to help us in our work.

Like Amulek I cannot say the smallest part of which I feel (Alma 26:16). Nothing we give and no labor we perform in the service of the Lord is truly a sacrifice, the blessings that come far outweigh anything we can give.

I love you all so much! I didn't take any cool pictures this week, but there will be plenty next week!

Elder Draney

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