Dear Family,
Every missionary talks about how fast their mission goes and I never believed them but I have definitely been proved wrong. It feels like only a couple months ago I left the MTC to enter the field and begin proselyting and now I've already hit the bump.
My second week in Christchurch a member told me that there are 4 days used to measure a mission. At 6 months it is Bump Day, 12 months is Hump Day, 18 months is Slump Day, and 24 months is Dump Day. Bump Day means your hopefully getting the hang of being a missionary and aren't homesick anymore. Slump is pretty self explanatory, a lot of missionaries get really lazy with only 6 months left, and then at the you get Dumped of the plane back into normal life!
The work is still moving in Hamble River but we haven't had any new investigators since I started working here. One of our investigators, Jennifer, came to church yesterday and said she really enjoyed it! She plans to invite us over for dinner sometime this week so things are going well with her! We invited a couple of other people to come to church and one was planning on coming but didn't in the end so it wasn't as good as we wanted it to be but that's okay! We're trying hard to bring others into the church through our efforts so the members can see and feel the excitement of new investigators and members so they will be more willing and anxious to do missionary work. Missionary work is always better when members are involved every step of the way and we're working to involve them more so there is more success in this ward.
It was announced a little more than a week ago but I forgot to mention it last week. My mission is getting iPads in the near future and were having a mission wide training in the end of April. They will be a good tool and will help make some aspects of missionary work easier but nothing can replace hard work. I was surprised at my reaction when President announced it because I thought I would be a lot more excited than I was/am. I can see how they will make things like Area Books and showing videos much easier but I don't want to "overhype" them at all. Some missionaries are way too excited about them! I know that they will be a good tool for sure, but it's something I can wait for.
It's really exciting to hear that Andrew Withers got his call to Leeds! The northern parts of England have the coolest accents because there like Scottish but you can actually understand them! We need missionaries in London South soon though so hopefully some get there calls to come to the Promised Land! The groups going home in the summer are huge so we'll be losing a lot of missionaries, basically all of our Zone Leaders, within the next few months. In the next 2 transfers close to 40 missionaries are going home with less than half of that coming into to mission so areas will start to get bigger and some will close completely. We only got 3 new Elders this transfer so we are in need of more!
The time really does go by too fast. I'm so happy I still have 18 months left and so many new people to meet! I heard of a Senior Sister who was asked why her and her husband had served multiple senior missions and she said "Because missions are where the fun is!". I fully agree, missions are where the fun is! They aren't always easy, but everything is always worth it. Keep serving or preparing to serve and many blessings will come.
These are pictures of the tide-range on the river outside our flat. We have a balcony and we throw bread to all the seagulls and swans that are around sometimes. They go insane when we start throwing bread.
I thought I had more to send but that will have to do for now, I promise to take more soon!
Elder Draney!
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